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li ni中文是什么意思

用"li ni"造句"li ni"怎么读"li ni" in a sentence


  • 李娜
  • 丽尼


  • Li ni n ' hi m up for you . port - side shot com i n ' up . steady . here we go
  • Rereading li ni ' s the song of the eagle from the angle of modern mankinds ' existence , helps discover new meanings of the image of the " eagle " and the " south " , and profound disclosure of human life predicament : human life lingers over pursuing and recalling
    摘要从现代人类生存的角度重读丽尼的《鹰之歌》 ,将发掘主体意象“鹰”和“南方”以新的意义,进一步的开掘中发现了一种人生困境:人生在追求和追忆之间徘徊。
用"li ni"造句  
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